Innovation at the edge


Compact Deployable Information Services Capability

CDISC is a hardware platform designed from the ground up to enable flexible, adaptable and scalable systems for edge based computing. The CDISC platform spans capability from remote low power IoT sensor hubs through to full motion video capture and analysis for 100's of users.

CDISC is only limited by your imagination.

Scalable Platform


Micro Early Entry. Up to 5 lorem ipsum


Early Entry. Up to 50 lorem ipsum


Advanced Headquarters.  Up to 250 lorem ipsum




CDISC was designed to scale from its outset. This is either within a unit such as memory or storage, but also by joining units together to form scaled platforms using virtualisation technologies to enable shared environments and pooling of resources.



CDISC is made up of reusable modules (building blocks). Much like scaffolding it is possible to use CDISC to acheive a wide range of outcomes, all from the same underpinning modular building blocks.



CDISC has been designed so it can be used for a wide range of uses. It does that by being scalable, modular but also adaptable. This might be by adding a network switch or a router via the Removeable Network Module or additional compute for virtualised network functions.



The ability to lift, carry, transport, store, rack or mount CDISC was a key design metric. We know that edge devices need to be portable so the can be used in the environments they were designed. To us, portability is mesaure of size, weight and an objects overall dimensions.


Lightweight Orchestration Environment

LOEN is the software that truly enables edge computing. It provides the fabric to define secure and reusable orchestration blueprints that enable initial hands free initiation of simple single node edge environments, through to multi-node complex deployed cloud environments running VMWare ESX, Hyper-V, Open Stack, Nutanix or Containers.


Datacentre orchestration capability that can run at the edge.


Open Standards (TOSCA) core to LOEN.


LOEN must be simple to build and the blueprints simple to run on different LOEN enabled edge devices


Orchestration at the edge needs embedded intelliegence and self sufficience - LOEN enables both


Central Intelligent Management System

CIMS is the heart of real time, historic and predictive information within a CDISC platform. It provides a simple interface to complex sensor information such as motion, tempertaure, humidiy as well as built in interfaces to out-of-bound management platforms via standard based IPMI and RedFISH.


CIMS enables a holistic view of the platform by ingesting, analysing, visualising and alerting from a scalable set of sensors within a CDISC platform


IT systems management does not need to be hard. CIMS provides multiple views of information in modern simple visualisations.


CIMS has a built in event management system which is extenable via APIs and scripts. This ensures that CIMS adapts with the systems it supports.


Security is central to the CIMS concept. This is acheived through device protection and trusted code execution, secure communications, and secure storage.